D&I: Pledge

Diversity & Inclusion

At PXRT, we are committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace where all employees feel valued, respected, and supported. We recognize that diversity and inclusion are not just buzzwords but are essential components of our company culture and success. To this end, we pledge to take the following actions:

  1. Promote Diversity: We will actively seek to hire employees from diverse backgrounds and experiences to create a more inclusive workforce. We will also create and implement programs and initiatives that promote diversity within our company, such as employee resource groups, mentorship programs, and training sessions that focus on cultural awareness and sensitivity.

  2. Eliminate Bias: We will work to eliminate bias in all aspects of our operations, including hiring, promotion, and performance evaluation. We will create a fair and equitable work environment by establishing clear and objective criteria for hiring and promotion and providing unconscious bias training to all employees.

  3. Create Inclusive Policies: We will review and revise our policies to ensure they promote diversity and inclusion. We will strive to provide equal opportunities for all employees, including those with disabilities or who require accommodations. We will also offer flexible work arrangements that allow employees to balance their personal and professional lives.

  4. Foster a Culture of Inclusion: We will foster a culture of inclusion by encouraging open communication, mutual respect, and understanding. We will provide ongoing training to all employees on diversity and inclusion topics, and we will celebrate the unique perspectives and experiences of our employees. We will also hold all employees accountable for their actions and behaviors and take appropriate action when those actions do not align with our commitment to diversity and inclusion.

By taking these actions, we pledge to create a more diverse and inclusive workplace where all employees can thrive both personally and professionally. We believe that by promoting diversity and inclusion, we can enhance our company culture, improve our business outcomes, and create a positive impact on the broader community.

Let’s Work Together