nyumbani (Swahili) - “home”

“The patent pending blockchain technology that is revolutionizing mortgage-backed securities, cryptocurrencies, and smart contracts. Numbani is a monopoly disruptor. ”


Numbani Coin is the patent pending Mortgage-Backed Cryptocurrency (MBC). MBCs are digital tokens that represent ownership in a pool of mortgages. They allow people to buy and sell shares of a mortgage pool to potentially receive passive income based on the performance of the pooled mortgages.

Numbani MBC Benefits over Mortgage-Backed Securities (MBS) & Bitcoin:

MBC v. Traditional MBS:

  • 24/7 liquidity via trading on cryptocurrency exchange(s)

  • Low minimum requirements

  • Less transaction fees than traditional MBS

  • More transparent than MBS due to blockchain technology

MBC v. Bitcoin:

  • Less volatility because MBCs are backed by real-world assets

  • Intrinsic value

  • Likely greater adoption by institutional investors and other traditional finance players who may be more comfortable with investments backed by traditional mortgage assets

  • Greater diversification of investment portfolio: Adding MBCs to a crypto investment portfolio can provide diversification benefits, as it offers exposure to a different asset class compared to traditional stocks, bonds, and commodities.

Whitepaper Reviews:

“A very interesting and modern take on structured type investments. Between providing easier market access for investment, enhanced security, and control of the impacts of coin volatility this idea provides a two-pronged view: (a) investing in crypto; & (b) generating investment income all in one package.”

— Numbani MBC White Paper Reviewer

The future of real estate investing is here. Moving away from the requirements to invest in mortgages to a decentralized blockchain token will put the power and money into the hands of the people.”

— Numbani MBC White Paper Reviewer

Domestic & International Inquiries:

Please submit Inquiries here or email:

Numbani MBC Property Types:

  • Single-Family

  • Multifamily

  • Commercial

THE REAL ESTATE MONOPOLY DISRUPTOR: Numbani is the patent pending Mortgage-Backed Cryptocurrency (MBC) that will revolutionize pooled mortgage security bonds, the secondary mortgage market, and cryptocurrencies. An MBC is created by backing cryptocurrency digital assets such as cryptocurrency coins (“CC”) and cryptocurrency tokens (“CT”) with more traditionally accepted home and real estate loan assets. Backing a cryptocurrency means that something is provided as collateral. Home and real estate loans are used as collateral for MBCs. (*Whitepaper link). Single-family, multifamily, and commercial properties are all real-world assets that can be tied to MBCs. This ultimately means that Numbani enables people to purchase a pieces of real-world assets such as residential homes, multifamily rental apartments, senior living centers, and even student housing. Numbani is the modern take on a traditional Mortgage-Backed Security (MBS) and licensing opportunities may be available in the future.

Numbani MBC owners are paid the proceeds of the assets that back the cryptocurrency. For example, if mortgages back the cryptocurrency, the loan payments are paid to the MBC owners. Owning MBCs therefore creates opportunities for passive income through fractional partial pool ownership for a user based upon the total share of MBCs possessed by the user. MBCs use of decentralized blockchain technology also creates greater transparency, security, and accessibility by removing the need for physical bank brokers to sell mortgage-backed digital assets to users.

MBCs resolve the deficiencies of both traditional MBS and cryptocurrencies:

  • MBCs make asset backed by loans (by home or real estate) more decentralized and easily accessible to users and reduce extreme market price volatility.

  • MBCs reduce barriers to entry by eliminating sizeable minimum investment requirements and eliminating the friction caused by the need to purchase the security from a separate broker.

  • MBCs reduce extreme market price volatility faced by many cryptocurrencies because they are backed by traditionally accepted home and real estate loans.

  • Decentralized MBCs reduce cybersecurity risk associated with using highly centralized computers to perform and settle MBS transactions. Centralized computers are vulnerable to bad actors seeking to perform counterfeit transactions, fraudulent payouts, or even to erase records associated with authentic investments.

Passive Income

*Click image to play video clip.

MBCs will revolutionize pooled mortgage securities, the secondary mortgage market, and cryptocurrencies.

Numbani: AI Powered

PXRT uses artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) tools for greater security, transaction transparency, and anti-money laundering activities.

  1. Enhanced Fraud Detection: AI and ML tools can help identify patterns and anomalies in transactions and flag suspicious behavior, enabling more efficient and effective fraud detection.

  2. Real-Time Monitoring: By utilizing AI and ML, PXRT can monitor transactions and data in real-time, allowing for quick response to potential security breaches and suspicious activity.

  3. Improved Customer Identification: With AI and ML, PXRT can analyze data to identify and verify customers in real-time, improving transaction transparency and reducing the likelihood of fraudulent activity.

  4. Predictive Analytics: By utilizing AI and ML algorithms, PXRT can analyze historical transaction data to identify potential risks and trends, allowing for proactive measures to prevent future incidents.

  5. Streamlined Compliance: AI and ML tools can assist with anti-money laundering (AML) efforts by automating compliance processes, reducing the risk of human error, and increasing efficiency.

Numbani: Charts & Illustrations

*Patent Pending MBCs. Users purchase Numbani MBCs for fractional ownership of mortgage pool(s).

Numbani: Initial Coin Offering (ICO) Tokenomics

*Potential allocations


*$1.5 Trillion Average Annual Agency MBS Issuance from 2011 to 2020. Source: Nomura. As of 31 Dec 20.

*9.4 Trillion outstanding Agency MBS as of June 2022

*Agency MBS buyers summary breakdown

